What about all those adult vaccines that we are all supposed to get like the shingles or the pneumonia vaccines? Are they really a good idea?
I'm going to celebrate my 70th birthday next year. I have never had any of these vaccines. And I don't intend to get one. Besides the fact that they don't work very well, here are some other reasons why.
The diseases that the vaccines are supposed to be good for are fairly rare. The chance of getting shingles in the over-60 crowd is only 1 in 30. So if you are already 60, it would be pretty unlikely to get shingles in the first place. And the chance of getting the pneumococcal pneumonia that the pneumonia vaccine is supposed to prevent is even less — a highly unlikely 1 in 4,100. So statistically, these are not problems I have much concern over. And consider this.
These statistics never take into account overall health and well-being. I doubt very much that the rare person who gets these infections is a person who has a healthy diet, has excellent cardiovascular fitness, replaces deficient hormones, takes vitamins, practices good hygiene, avoids drugs, and gets plenty of rest.
In fact, people who take these common sense precautions are much less likely to get these infections. They are also much less likely to get heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. And these problems are way more significant than shingles and pneumococcal pneumonia. So having a healthy lifestyle seems to be a much better approach to disease prevention than injecting vaccines.
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Secondly, in the May 2015 issue of Second Opinion I brought a brand new concept to you called "pre-conditioning." Pre-conditioning refers to treating yourself with ozone before anything goes wrong. This is similar in concept and mechanism to vaccines. In other words, instead of a vaccine that is designed to prevent one particular problem, pre-conditioning can be used to prevent anything that might happen to you from heart attacks to cancer to infections. So one of the biggest reasons I see no place for vaccines is because regular pre-conditioning with ozone works better and for more things than just infections.
Lastly, these diseases seem terribly problematic for traditional medicine to deal with. But they're just pussy cats for doctors who have ozone therapy available for their patients. As I have reported to you before, I have never seen one viral infection of any kind that does not respond to ozone therapy combined with intravenous vitamin C. And I have never seen any bacterial infection that does not respond to combining antibiotics with ozone and vitamin C. That includes shingles, pneumococcal pneumonia, resistant bone and joint infections, and even MRSA.
So my advice to you is to get the vaccines if you think it's a good idea. They seem safe enough. But don't rely too much on them because they are very overrated. And even if you do get the vaccine, don't stop there. Make sure you come up with a preventive plan that combines a healthy lifestyle, natural hormone replacement, regular exercise, immune supplementation, and pre-conditioning with ozone. And be sure to have a doctor at hand who can give you ozone therapy if you need it. You can find doctors like that at www.aaot.us.
Yours for better health,

Frank Shallenberger, MD
Andrews, N.J., P.A. Waight, et al. "Impact and effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease in the elderly in England and Wales." Vaccine, 2012 November 6;30(48):6802-8.
Marin, M., B.P. Yawn, C.M. Hales, et al. "Herpes Zoster Vaccine Effectiveness and Manifestations of Herpes Zoster and Associated Pain by Vaccination Status." Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2015 March 25:0.
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