Volume 12, Issue 36 |  
The best chelation therapy for
treating heart disease and hardening
of the arteries
Most patients with heart disease have no idea that there is a simple and very effective way to treat it without any surgery or other invasive procedures. It's called EDTA chelation therapy. But the odds on your cardiologist telling you about this therapy are close to zero. Nonetheless, the recent TACT study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that up to 50% of selected patients with heart disease will die from their disease unless they are treated with EDTA chelation therapy. And now a new study is offering proof that not only can EDTA chelation therapy treat heart disease, it can also treat the atherosclerosis that leads to heart disease.

The researchers looked at the effect of EDTA chelation therapy on 118 men and women with atherosclerosis. Their ages ranged from 48 to 89 years old. Before the study began, they measured the pulse wave velocity of their arteries. This is a technique that can determine how stiff arteries are. As atherosclerosis becomes worse, it cakes up the arteries and causes them to stiffen or harden. So anything that makes the arteries stiffer is the kind of thing that increases atherosclerosis and heart disease. And anything that makes them less stiff does just the opposite – it decreases atherosclerosis. Here's what happened.

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After only 10 chelation treatments, the pulse wave velocity readings decreased substantially. The arteries were becoming more flexible and less stiff. After 20 chelations, the readings decreased even more. And after 30 treatments, the decrease in the readings seems to have reached their maximum in most of the patients. This is exactly what I have been seeing in my patients for the past 35 years. Maximum effect of chelation therapy tends to occur between 20-30 treatments.

There are two different kinds of EDTA chelation therapy. In this study, the researchers knew what they were doing because they used the form of chelation that is effective for heart disease. It's the di-sodium form. The di-sodium form of chelation therapy is an intravenous treatment that takes about three hours to do. Patients typically do it either once or twice a week until the symptoms are gone. Then they continue to do it once a month for the rest of their lives just as a preventive measure. I say this because there is another form of chelation therapy called calcium EDTA chelation. This is very good at removing heavy metals, but it's not effective for atherosclerosis and heart disease. So when you get chelation therapy for heart disease or atherosclerosis, make sure that you get the di-sodium version. You can find doctors who know how to treat your atherosclerosis and heart disease with di-sodium EDTA chelation at www.acam.org.

One last thing. About 20 years ago, I started combining chelation therapy with ozone therapy.  And guess what. When it comes to heart disease, the combination works even better than the chelation treatments by themselves. I call the procedure CheZone therapy. The chelation therapy treats the atherosclerosis and the ozone improves the way the heart cells use oxygen – a perfect marriage. So if you have heart disease and if you have a doctor close to you who knows how to do CheZone therapy, you are fortunate indeed. You can find doctors versed in CheZone therapy at www.aaot.us.

Yours for better health,

Tadashi Mitsuo, MD, Sigenori Nakano, MD, Masao Yoshida,MD, Hideki Ohno,MD, Kazuo Tsubota,MD. Na2EDTA Chelation Therapy Can Decrease baPWV in Elderly Patients. www.acam.org/news.  Friday, June 13, 2014 

Lamas, G. A., Goertz, C., Boineau, R., Mark, D. B., Rozema, T., Nahin, R. L., et al. (2013). Effect of disodium EDTA chelation regimen on cardiovascular events in patients with previous myocardial infarction: the TACT randomized trial. JAMA, 309(12), 1241–1250.

Tomiyama, H., Yamashina, A., Arai, T., Hirose, K., Koji, Y., Chikamori, T., et al. (2003). Influences of age and gender on results of noninvasive brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity measurement--a survey of 12517 subjects. Atherosclerosis, 166(2), 303–309.

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