Chronic ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus, is a very frustrating and annoying problem. For the most part, the problem has stymied doctors. But now, there's some encouraging news for the 36 million sufferers.  Researchers from Washington University of St. Louis looked at 24 patients with sleep disturbances and tinnitus. The patients were given a common dose of melatonin, three mg daily for four weeks. The researchers then observed them for another four weeks.

Amazingly, the team found significant improvements in both tinnitus and sleep quality for all of the patients. They also found that as the tinnitus improved, so did sleep. It even cut down on sleep disturbances caused by the tinnitus. Finally, the researchers found that the melatonin helped those who suffered from severe and mild ringing alike.

We've known about melatonin's ability to help sleep problems for years. But this new use for the hormone is welcome news for tinnitus sufferers. And, most importantly, it's a safe and easy treatment you can do in the comfort of your own home. No need to see the doctor for this one. Simply take three mg daily before bed. You can find melatonin anywhere you buy your vitamins.

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Ref:  Megwalu, U.C., J.E. Finnell, and J.F. Piccirillo. "The effects of melatonin on tinnitus and sleep," Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg., 2006; 134(2): 210-3.

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