I've told you for years that taking statins can increase your risk of congestive heart failure. Reason: Statins deplete your heart's supply of Coenzyme Q10.
But a recent study found another nutritional deficiency linked to congestive heart failure (CHF). In fact, researchers found this deficiency in a whopping 33% of patients with CHF!
In the study, scientists took blood from patients suffering from CHF. They found that a full third of the patients had a deficiency of thiamin (vitamin B1).
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This news doesn't surprise me. Every cell in your body is absolutely dependent on thiamin. It's critical in the enzymatic metabolism of glucose. A deficiency could significantly cut your energy production. A loss of energy could heavily affect your heart muscle cells, making CHF even more dangerous.
And here's another important finding from the study: Lead author Mary Keith, PhD stated that having CHF could make it more difficult to get thiamin from your diet. She found that "a relatively small dose of thiamin from a multi-vitamin was protective against developing thiamin deficiency."
Here, in a mainstream medical journal, is evidence that a multivitamin can protect against thiamin deficiency and further complications from CHF.
Action to take: If you have congestive heart failure (or any heart disease), take statins, or use alcohol (which may waste thiamin), you need to take a quality multivitamin that has 50 mg of thiamin, such as Healthy Resolve's Max Plus (http://www.healthyresolve.com/maxplus).
Ref: Journal of the American College of Cardiology, January 17, 2006.