There's a remedy for type-2 diabetes that works better than drugs. The amazing thing is it's an ordinary houseplant. And it's quite possible you already have this plant growing in your living room.

Just ask Tom about the amazing abilities of this plant. He came to see me five years ago with a blood sugar level of 400. I like to see blood sugar levels under 90, so you can see how bad off Tom was. His endocrinologist told him he would be on drugs for the rest of his life. But I knew better.

However, two things were odd about Tom's case. First, he's slender. Type-2 diabetes is unusual in slender people. And, second, he wasn't eating foods that normally produce diabetes. So I couldn't change much about his diet.

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That meant I had to look elsewhere.

I had just read of an Indian study on 5,000 patients. Interestingly, the study wasn't done on diabetes, but on angina. The researchers were looking for a way to reduce angina pain, but they found much more.

At the end of five years, here's what happened:

* All of the participants were alive at the end of five years (highly unusual for a heart study).
* They had a significant reduction in their need for drugs, while their angina attacks likewise significantly decreased.
* Total cholesterol and triglycerides fell, while HDL cholesterol increased.
* And, surprisingly, there was a marked reduction in their fasting blood sugar levels - and even in their blood sugar after eating.
* Diabetics benefited most, without the addition of any diabetic drugs, and there were no side effects.

These are absolutely stunning results. So what was it that the participants were taking?

They were given what has since become one of my favorite treatments for adult diabetes - aloe vera. That's right! The same plant that does wonders for burn pain also treats angina, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, raises HDL cholesterol, and significantly reduces blood sugar levels.

But this wasn't the only study confirming aloe's use in diabetes treatment. One single-blind study on 40 patients saw aloe drop fasting blood sugar levels from 250 to 142 after just 42 days. The dose they used was one tablespoon of aloe gel per day. The placebo group saw their blood sugar increase from 251 to 257. While the participants' triglycerides dropped with aloe, their cholesterol didn't change in this study.

And another study added aloe to a common diabetes drug. After 42 days, fasting blood sugar levels fell from 288 to 148 in the combined group compared to remaining at 290 in the group on the drug alone.

Since all this was fresh in my mind, I decided to give it a try on Tom. I suggested an aloe extract containing 1,200 mg daily of MPS, a key ingredient in standardized aloe products (look for it on the label).

In four weeks, his blood sugar was normal and has remained so for the last five years. Needless to say, his endocrinologist was speechless and lost lots of expected visits. Aloe is now a staple of my diabetes protocol. And it should be part of yours, too. You can find quality aloe products at most health food stores.

By the way, aloe isn't the only herbal product I've found effective in treating type-2 diabetes. I'll tell you about four more herbs in next week's health alert.

Yours for medical freedom,


Ref: Angiology, 1985 August;36(8):485-92; Phytomedicine, 1996;3.

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