Volume 12, Issue 9
Pass this in-home test and
you probably won’t have a stroke
or suffer from dementia
Strokes sneak up on you. Of course, having uncontrolled high blood pressure is one of the risk factors. But strokes happen even in people with normal blood pressure. And, for the most part, there are no warning signs that you are more or less likely to have a stroke. If there were, then you could do something about it. But here's the thing. A brand new study just out this month shows how a simple test that you can do at home can tell you if you are at risk for a stroke.

Just so we are on the same page, by a stroke I mean a blood clot or a hemorrhage (bleed) into the brain. The most potent risk factor for having a stroke is what is called asymptomatic cerebral small-vessel disease (cSVD). This refers to a condition in which the small blood vessels in the brain are clogged up from atherosclerosis. cSVD happens completely without symptoms, and can be seen only on a brain scan. But one thing that it does cause is a decrease in balance. And now scientists have found a way to determine the chance of having cSVD in a 20 second balance test that you can do at home.

The researchers looked at 1,387 men and women. First they used an MRI brain scan to determine their extent of cSVD. Then they measured their degree of cognitive function. And finally, they had them balance on one leg for as long as they could. Here's what they found:

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They discovered that people who could balance on one leg for more than 20 seconds were not likely to have signs of cSVD on the MRI. On the other hand, if the person was not able to balance for at least 20 seconds, there was a 90% chance that they had some degree of cSVD. And the severity of the cSVD increased as the balance worsened.

But that's not the only thing. Those who couldn't make it past the 20 second point also had a statistically significant greater chance of having cognitive decline. The authors summed up their findings this way, "Postural instability [decreased balance] was found to be associated with early pathological changes in the brain and functional decline, even in apparently healthy subjects."

So give the test a try. If you do well, then congrats. You are unlikely to have a stroke. On the other hand, if you couldn't make the 20 second team, especially if you have other risk factors, you need some help. What help should you get?

I have reported to you in the past on a slam dunk way to avoid ever having a stroke. It's intravenous di-sodium EDTA chelation therapy. Using my protocol, I have never had one patient have a stroke no matter what their risk factors were in over 30 years. And that includes patients with high blood pressure and even patients who have already had a previous stroke. Here's what you do.

Go to www.acam.org and find a doctor who is certified in chelation therapy. Have him give you a course of one intravenous di-sodium EDTA chelation treatment every week for 20 weeks. Then continue getting the IV's once a month for the rest of your life. At the same time, follow all of the exercise, supplement, and dietary advice that I give in my book, Bursting With Energy. It's easy to do, and you will feel great. Oh, and by the way, this will also guarantee that you never have a heart attack either. I can't say what you will end up dying from, but I can say it won't be a stroke or heart attack.

Yours for better health,

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