Last week, I told you about a study that showed how taking some magnesium along with vitamin C and beta-carotene had a very significant protective effect against age-related hearing loss. Then I showed you a study showing that a diet high in carbohydrates, particularly the high glycemic carbs, could increase the chance of decreasing your hearing as much as 76%. Today, I am going to tell you about a study that shows the powerful protective effect of fish oils.
The data comes from the Blue Mountains Hearing Study. This is a long-term study that has been looking at 2,956 older men and women to find out the various factors that can lead to age-related hearing loss. One of the things they looked at was the effect of fish oils.
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So let me encourage you to eat more fish as you get older. The omega-3 oils in fish protect against almost every problem you can get as you get older. That's why for the last 30 years, I have recommended to all my patients that they take fish oils supplements on a regular basis.