Recently researchers looked at 418 men and women with osteoarthritis of at least one knee. They all had pain. And they all had positive X-rays. They followed these patients for up to 48 months to see who got worse and who didn't.
They also checked their vitamin D blood levels. They discovered that having enough vitamin D was important. About 16% of them had vitamin D levels below 15 ng/ml. This is an extremely low level of vitamin D. The patients with a level less than 15 were more than two times as likely to develop more pain and worse X-rays than those with a level higher than 15.
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So if you have arthritis of the knee, especially if you tend toward a vegetarian lifestyle, make sure you have your vitamin D level checked. A level of 60-70 ng/ml is the best level to be at. So if you are below that number, please take enough
vitamin D to get in that range.