December 26, 2014 | Volume 11, Issue 121
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Is this the greatest medical
scandal of all time?
Not long ago a doctor who couldn't take it any more blew the whistle on what he calls the greatest medical scandal of all time.

I have warned my readers about the dangers of Gardasil before. But now we are getting warnings from Dr. Bernard Dalbergue. Dr. Dalbergue is a former employee of the Big Pharma company Merck pharmaceuticals that sells Gardasil. In an article that appeared in the French magazine Principes de Santé (Health Principles), the good doctor talks about his experiences in the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, he bares it all regarding Gardasil. He also describes how easy it was for him to get involved in the scam.

After years of long hours and little reimbursement as a hospital doctor, Dr. Bernard Dalbergue quickly became seduced by the convenience of work in the pharmaceutical industry. Less sickness, pain, and death. The latest fashion, fancy cars, money, and embezzlement became part of his new life instead. This went on for 20 years in pharmaceutical laboratories before his conscience finally got the best of him. One of the projects he worked on while with Merck was Gardasil. Here are some excerpts from his article:

Gardicil is dangerous. "Cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, paralysis of the lower limbs, vaccine-induced MS, and vaccine-induced encephalitis can be found...."

You will never be told the truth. Why? Money. "Gardasil is useless and costs a fortune! In addition, decision-makers at all levels are aware of it! There is far too much financial interest for these medicines to be withdrawn."

The Gardasil problem is not a surprise. "The full extent of the Gardasil scandal needs to be assessed: Everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless! Diane Harper, a major opinion leader in the United States, was one of the first to blow the whistle, pointing out the fraud and scam of it all."

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A prediction: "I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all time because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers."

And don't spend too much time waiting for the news media to tell you the truth. They are controlled by their advertisers. And I don't know if you've noticed it, but Big Pharma spends a lot of money on media promotion of their goods. And it can happen to anyone, even popular media personality and journalist Katie Couric. In a case of investigative reporting Ms. Couric had the audacity to interview a woman whose daughter died right after getting the Gardasil vaccine. The result? She was ridiculed in various hit pieces from Time magazine to the LA Times, and compared to a bubbled headed Playboy bunny. All references to the negative aspects of the interview were quickly removed from her website. How dare she cross the line.

But surely our government will protect us from dangerous misinformation. Maybe not when it comes to Big Pharma's vaccines. According to an article in Health Impact News: "U.S. law prevents anyone from suing Merck or any other vaccine manufacturer as the U.S. Congress gave them total immunity from civil lawsuits in 1986, and that legal protection, which gives them a free pass to put as many vaccines into the market as they want to, was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. In addition, the National Institute of Health receives royalties from the sales of Gardasil. So don't expect objective, true information from the U.S. mainstream media, or your U.S. doctor."

So why am I telling you all this? I want you to be aware of how easy it is to be manipulated by Big Pharma marketing. That marketing comes not only in all the ads we see every day in magazines and TV. It also comes in the form of so-called legitimate articles in so-called health magazines and other so-called reputable media. It comes from "experts" in the ivory towers of medicine. It comes from your government representatives who have just been briefed by their Big Pharma lobbyists. And it comes from your very nice and caring family doctor who gets all his information from Big Pharma sales reps.

So be careful. If you have a medical problem and your doctor says the answer is drugs or vaccines, get another opinion from a doctor versed in natural medicine. Here are some good referral web sites that list doctors like that:;;; and

Yours for better health,

REF: Merck's Former Doctor Predicts that Gardasil will Become the Greatest Medical Scandal of All Time. Posted By Site Admin On April 15, 2014 @ 10:08 am.

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