The best way to know how healthy you are and what your chances are as you get older is with Bio-Energy Testing. I have talked about this many times before and written two books about it. You can find forward-thinking doctors who offer this test at But what if there was a simple way for you to assess your overall health in five minutes right there in your home without any special equipment? Doctors at the University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, recently reported on a test that can do just that. They call it the sitting-rising test, or SRT.
But first of all, why should anyone want to take a test like the SRT or a Bio-Energy test? Isn't an annual physical examination with the standard blood tests enough? The answer is a resounding NO! Studies have shown that having a normal physical exam and blood tests do very little to predict either how long you will live or what diseases you are headed for. This is because these tests only show up positive when you are already sick. What you really want is tests that show you that your health is at risk long before you actually get sick. That way you can make the changes you need to make before it is too late.
Originally, the doctors who developed the SRT did it to quickly assess the flexibility, balance, and strength of athletes. A score of 10 is perfect. Lower scores indicated less flexibility, balance, and strength. But after working with athletes, they soon realized that the test might also be able to predict the overall health status of older people. So they enrolled 2,002 men and women between the ages of 51-80 years and asked them to take the test. Then they followed the group for an average of 6.3 years to see how long they lived, and how well their survival time matched up with their test scores. The results were nothing short of amazing.
In the follow up time, there were 159 deaths. And when the docs looked at how the scores on the SRT related to survival, they found that the people who had scored eight or more points were twice as likely to be alive six years later than those who scored less. The experts found that people who scored three points or fewer, were more than five times as likely to die within the same period. But it gets even more significant than that. They found that every single point difference was important. Because for every point increase in the test results they found a 21% decrease in death from all causes. So now that I have your attention, perhaps you would like to take the test. Here's how to do it.
First of all, I would recommend that you do not try the test if you have some problem with your back, knees, or hips that might be aggravated by the test. But if you are good to go, here's what you do.
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Wear some comfortable loose clothing without shoes. And do the test in an area where there is plenty of space around you. The first thing is to lower yourself from a standing position to a sitting position on the floor. Then once you are on the floor go back to your standing position. Sounds simple doesn't it. But hold on, it's not actually all that easy. Because as you do this, you are not allowed to use your hands, knees, or arms to help you. You must go down and get up using only your leg muscles. No cheating! If you can do that you get a perfect score of 10.
But if you need help, you have to subtract from your score. Subtract 1 point for every time you need to use a hand, arm, or knee for support or balance. Also, subtract 1/2 point every time you noticeably lose balance and wobble. Just to be clear. You can't use your hands, elbows, or arms to help you push up either from the floor or from your legs without subtracting points. Also, you can't go on your knee or knees without subtracting points. Many of you will be able to score a perfect 10. But, of course, some of you won't do so well. So what if you are in that latter category?
Take it as a warning. You have lost flexibility, strength, and/or balance. And you need to work on that. Start doing exercises to improve in whatever areas you are weak in. Take measures to lose weight if your weight is part of the problem. And then test yourself a few months later. Remember that for every one point increase in your score your chances of dying in the next six years are decreased a whopping 21%.
Many people come to me thinking they are "completely healthy" simply because they feel good, can still walk and talk, and have normal blood tests. But trust me. These are very poor indicators of how healthy a person really is. And having that naive attitude is dangerous. The most powerful indicator of your overall health is how efficiently your mitochondria are producing cellular energy. That's what Bio-Energy Testing evaluates. And as you can see, even a simple physical function test like the SRT can also be helpful. But here's an extremely important point I want to make.
Not all of us are destined to live long and never get sick. Sooner or later for many of us something is going to go wrong even though we are doing everything we can to prevent that from happening. That's because the Creator gave us all different bodies, different genetics, and different life experiences. But whatever cards you were dealt, one thing is for sure. You can live longer and be healthier if you are proactive in protecting and preserving your body. So when you do these tests just remember this. Your initial score is not all that important. What is important is that you are taking measures to improve the scores and that those measures are working.
Yours for better health,