The sad death of Robin Williams is all over the news. Here is a story of a well-loved man who had all the resources that anyone could hope for. He was famous and wealthy. He had full insurance coverage and access to the best that modern medicine has to offer. If anything is a tragedy, certainly his death is. Why? Because it was completely preventable.
If Robin Williams had been reading my newsletter, he would have known that there are many more options than the conventional approach. Most people think that their doctor knows everything there is regarding health and healing. But that is just not true. The only thing doctors learn about in medical school is how to use drugs, radiation, and surgery. And we all know that they are remarkably good at that. But outside of these three options, they know virtually nothing about healing! Specifically, they know nothing about how the body repairs itself.
Now I have to say that I know nothing about Robin Williams other than what is in the press. He battled for years with depression and substance addiction. That's a hard enough burden to carry. But it turns out that as always there is more to the story. And that's what tipped the scales.
Recently, Williams learned that he had Parkinson's disease. Now every doctor knows that the conventional treatment for Parkinson's is depressing in itself. Despite the best that pharmaceutical medicine has to offer, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease will continue to progress until either the patient dies or his quality of life is nil. Apparently, the combination of depression, substance abuse, and a new diagnosis of Parkinson's was just too much even for this amazing man. But there is a lesson in his death. And to preserve his good memory, I hope we learn it.
There is a bio-chemical thread that unites all of William's problems. It's called dopamine. Dopamine is the primary neurotransmitter (brain chemical) for men. Dopamine is what makes men tick. It protects us from depression. It's what protects us from alcoholism, gambling, and other addictions. And get this. A lack of dopamine is what causes Parkinson's. Add it all up. There is no doubt in my mind that Robin Williams suffered from the effects of a dopamine deficiency. Had he been adequately helped, it's quite possible he would still be alive. Let me tell you about a case I saw a few months ago that illustrates this.
Steve is a 78-year-old man. He was brought to my clinic all the way from Idaho by his next door neighbor, a subscriber to my newsletter. Why? Because he was all alone. No family. No friends. All he had was his next door neighbor, who by the grace of God, decided to help him out. And here's the thing. Steve had an advanced case of Parkinson's. He had the classic case of dopamine deficiency.
When he came to the clinic, he was in a wheelchair and was literally drooling on himself. He talked with a slurred speech. He had very little control of his hands and arms. His appetite was so bad, he was losing weight at an alarming rate. In short, were it not for the dedicated help of his neighbor, he would have had to be in a care facility.
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Steve was taking 800 mg of Sinemet per day in four divided doses. This was helping him get by, but his condition was continuing to deteriorate every year. Sinemet helps with the symptoms of Parkinson's but does nothing to stop or even slow down the disease. The first thing I did was to take him off Sinemet. Sinemet is a drug that contains a natural amino acid called l-dopa in combination with a very toxic drug called carbidopa. As you may know, drug companies cannot get a patent on a naturally occurring amino acid. So in order to make their profit, they have to combine it with a drug. I wanted the l-dopa. That's how you treat a dopamine deficiency. I just did not want him taking the carbidopa.
So I substituted pure l-dopa in the form of the herb mucuna puriens for his Sinemet. In addition, I added in a sulfur-containing amino called l-cysteine, another amino acid called 5-HTP, and various nutritional elements that assist the aminos. I have discussed this protocol with you before. I didn't create this protocol. Marty Hinz, MD developed it several years ago. Dr. Hinz has discovered that in order to get the full benefits out of l-dopa, the patient must also be prescribed the right balance of the other aminos. When properly followed, I have found Dr. Hinz's protocol to be extremely effective for all kinds of neurotransmitter imbalances including dopamine deficiency, alcoholism, depression, and Parkinson's. And here's the really good news. The protocol is completely natural and safe. There are zero side effects. So what happened to Steve?
Two weeks after starting the therapy, his neighbor called me and told me that he was speaking perfectly well. No longer drooling. And he was now walking. His appetite was better, and he was gaining his weight back. All this in two weeks! And Steve's experience was not all that unusual. Time and time again, I have personally seen similar miracles happen. Steve still has a way to go before he can resume a normal life. But it is amazing that within only two weeks, he is half way there. So how does someone develop a dopamine deficiency?
We don't know for sure. But obvious factors are genetic tendencies, prolonged stress, substance abuse, poor diets, hormonal imbalances, and chemical toxicity (including drugs!). The point is this. When people crave substances that they know are bad for them, it's because the substances in question help to alleviate their pain. It makes no difference if the substances are legal or not. The reason is always the same.
But the substances only relieve the symptoms. They don't correct the underlying imbalances that are causing them. And most of the time, the substances make the problems even worse. It's a dead-end approach. These are the same imbalances that cause depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD, hyperactivity, and so many other nervous system disorders that doctors see every day. It's an imbalance of the neurotransmitters. Correct the imbalance and the disease goes away. And the great thing is that you can easily correct these imbalances naturally, with amino acids.
You can find a doctor who has been trained in this exciting new field by going to and clicking on the "Locate a Caregiver" link. I'll say it again. If Robin Williams had known about Steve, he might still be alive today. Don't let your loved ones suffer this same fate. Find a doctor today.
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