If you get migraines, you need to know that this new study links these extremely painful headaches with an increased tendency for strokes.
In this new study, researchers looked at 104 older adults who were migraine sufferers. Their average age was 71. The researchers used brain MRIs to compare this group with 442 matched adults who had never had a migraine. They were looking for signs of silent brain strokes. A silent stroke is a stroke that happens without any symptoms, and only shows up on an MRI. The problem with these silent strokes is that people who get them are at a much higher risk of full-blown strokes. The results showed that the migraine group was twice as likely to have silent brain strokes.
So will preventing migraines also prevent these silent strokes and reduce the risk of more serious strokes? The researchers don't know. But here's my take on this study.
Migraines are even more common than strokes. In 2009, 10% of all men and 22% of all women in this country reported having migraines or severe headaches. And, according to this study, these people are at twice the risk for strokes than their migraine-free friends. So if you have migraines what should you do?
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That means you should be compulsive about keeping your blood pressure under control; eating a high-fiber, low-glycemic diet; getting three hours or more per week of vigorous exercise; taking one scoop of my
Super Immune QuickStart every day; getting enough sleep; taking bio-identical hormones when needed; and having a course every six months of di-sodium EDTA chelation therapy for those over 60 years. Doing these things can greatly help you avoid having a stroke.