Volume 7, Issue 5 January 30, 2014
What's better, preventing cancer and heart disease or fighting the aging process?
Heart disease and cancer are the number one killers in the US. So here's a question for you. Suppose you had your choice. You could dramatically reduce your chance of ever having cancer or heart disease. Or you could slow down your rate of aging. Which is the smartest choice? An interesting new study offers an answer to that question that just might surprise you.

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The researchers who conducted the study noted in their article that "slowing the aging process is now a realistic goal." We know how to do it. They then noted that although the overwhelming amount of research has been directed at "combating individual diseases," no one has looked at the possibility that simply slowing down the aging process might be a better idea. So to answer the question, they used a computer program called the Future Elderly Model. The RAND Corporation developed the Future Elderly Model in 1997. They designed it as a tool to help policy analysts and private firms understand future trends in health, health spending, medical technology, and longevity.

Using this model, the researchers compared two projected outcomes. One was a "disease specific" scenario in which the death rates from heart disease and cancer were significantly reduced. The other outcome was a "delayed aging" scenario in which certain measures known today would be used to slow down the aging process. What they discovered using this model was truly thought provoking.

According to their calculations, decreasing the chance of dying from cancer and heart disease would add only about one year of life expectancy on average. However, successfully delaying the aging process would gain more than twice that - 2.2 years.

The authors note that most of the gains in life expectancy from slowing down aging "would be spent in good health," not in some nursing home on five different medications. Furthermore, they go on to point out that delaying the aging process would also delay the onset of all of the diseases of aging, such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's, and whatever else ails you. The idea is that people would not only live longer, they'd be healthier for longer.

So there you have it. If these researchers are right, our current focus on cancer and heart disease prevention services is misplaced. Instead we ought to be doing what I have been prescribing for decades - slowing down the aging process.

Want to know how to do that? It's not rocket science. Just read my book, Bursting With Energy, and do what it says. It's a matter of detoxification, proper exercise, mitochondrial testing, proper diet, stress reduction, hormone replacement, and targeted nutrient supplementation.

And keep reading Real Cures to keep up on the latest developments in the anti-aging story. In an upcoming issue of my print newsletter, I will be coming out with a mind blowing report on new research which not only slows down aging, but actually reverses it.

Finding your Real Cures,


Jaffe, Ina. "Delaying Aging May Have A Bigger Payoff Than Fighting Disease." NPR, October 07, 2013 6:30 PM, http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/.

Goldman DP, Cutler D, et al. Substantial Health And Economic Returns From Delayed Aging May Warrant A New Focus For Medical Research. Health Affairs. October 2013 vol. 32no. 10 1698-1705.

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