Volume 6, Issue 30 | August 1, 2013
How much coffee and tea can
you drink and still be healthy?
Wouldn't it be great if there was a study showing that the more coffee you drank, the healthier you would be? Get ready. Researchers at the University of Miami School of Medicine just published a report showing just that.

They enlisted 2,461 men and women. All of them were free of stroke, heart disease, and cancer. It was a diverse group consisting of 36% men, 19% white, 23% black, and 56% Hispanic. The ages ranged between 58 and 78 years old. The researchers followed these folks for an average of 11 years. And during that time, they charted how much caffeinated coffee and tea the participants were drinking. Here's what they found.

During the 11 years, 863 people in the group died. Of those, 342 died from either a stroke or heart disease, 160 died from cancer, and 284 died from other causes. It turned out that the more coffee the participants drank, the less likely they were to die from any cause. In fact, for every cup (8 ounces) of coffee they drank, their overall risk of dying from anything decreased by 7%.

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There was an especially significant decrease in the risk of dying from a stroke or heart disease in those people who drank more than four cups per day. They had almost half the risk as those who didn't drink any coffee at all.

Tea was also good.  For people who drank two or more cups of tea a day, their risk of dying from a stroke or heart attack was 37% less.  And their chance of dying from cancer decreased by a whopping 67%.

My grandmother never exercised. But she did drink half a pot of coffee every day of her life. She was fully functional right up until a year before she died at 101 years old. Go figure. Maybe it was the coffee! I still think moderation is best - perhaps two cups a day. But with this study in hand, I won't give you a hard time if you drink more.

Finding your Real Cures,


Gardener H, Rundek T, Wright CB, et al. “Coffee and Tea Consumption Are Inversely Associated with Mortality in a Multiethnic Urban Population.” J Nutr. 2013 June 19.

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