Volume 6, Issue 28 | July 18, 2013
Is corporate America fighting
for your health?
Here's some great news. If the FDA isn't looking out for us, at least some people in corporate America are. According to The Center for Food Safety, the stores Target, Giant Eagle, Meijer, and H-E-B have just agreed not to sell genetically engineered fish in their stores. And these aren't the only companies to make this promise. There are over 55 other food retailers that have done the same thing. These include Trader Joe's, Aldi, Whole Foods, Marsh, and Hy-Vee. Here's why this is so important.

The FDA has already proposed that genetically modified salmon be approved for sale. But that's not the worst of it. They also have stated that they will not likely require that the genetic monsters be labeled. That's right. They not only think it's OK for you to feed yourselves and your children genetically altered food, they also think it's OK that you don't know what you're eating! Make sure to call the FDA and thank them for playing into the hands of Monsanto, Dupont, Dow, and the rest of the GMO purveyors.

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Surveys show that over 90% of Americans think that genetically altered fish should not be sold because of the health dangers. But that's not the only reason to stop this plan. There are also very real dangers that GMO salmon are a significant threat to wild salmon fisheries and the communities that depend on them. The risk that these frankenfish will mate with wild salmon and permanently destroy natural fish is very real. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Guide has come out against GMO salmon "due to the inherent environmental risks involved."

Fortunately, it is still not officially legal to sell GMO salmon. So there is nothing to be concerned about right now. But at least if it is legalized, we will be able to know what we are eating by going to the stores that have enough sense to refuse to sell it.

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