You probably already know that heart disease is the number one killer. And you probably already know that one major way to decrease the chance of dying from heart disease is to combine a healthy diet with regular vigorous exercise. I have talked often enough about this in the past. But are there any other simple measures that you can do to protect yourself? A new study says yes. Two very simple and easy-to-take supplements can make a big difference.
Researchers at the Harbor UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California wanted to study the effect of these two supplements on arterial elasticity and endothelial function.
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Arterial elasticity is just what it sounds like. As we get older our arteries get harder and lose their elasticity. This is not good because arteries need to be elastic and flexible to efficiently deliver blood. When they become stiffer, your blood pressure goes up and your circulation decreases.
The endothelium is the inner lining of arteries. In the small arteries that are closest to the cells it is the health of the endothelium that determines blood flow. As the endothelial function decreases, it deprives the cells of blood.
Both arterial elasticity and endothelial function are critical for healthy circulation. Both get worse as we get older. And both are impaired in heart disease.
The researchers knew that taking a supplement of aged garlic extract significantly slows down atherosclerotic plaque formation. That should improve arterial elasticity. They also knew that aged garlic extract had also been shown to improve endothelial function. In addition they knew that CoQ10 supplements improved endothelial function. So here's what they did.
They rounded up 65 healthy Los-Angeles County firefighters. They picked on firefighters because of the strong connection between stressful jobs and heart disease. First, they measured the arterial stiffness and the endothelial function in each of the firefighters. Then they gave half of the group four tablets of aged garlic extract (300 mg/tablet) plus 30 mg of CoQ10 every day. The other half received a placebo. One year later, they remeasured the arterial stiffness and endothelial function. You can read for yourselves what they found.
"The combination of aged garlic extract and CoQ10 was independently associated with significant beneficial effects on arterial elasticity and endothelial function in firefighters with high occupational stress, highlighting the important role of aged garlic extract and CoQ10 in atherosclerotic prevention of such individuals."
If you have high blood pressure, are in a high-stress job, have heart disease, or for some other reason are at risk for heart disease, you should take note of this study. And don't forget that both of these supplements are also known to significantly reduce blood pressure. The best brand of aged garlic extract is Kyolic. You can get it online. And you can order CoQ10 by following this link.
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