Volume 5, Issue 25
June 21, 2012
What you don't know about
your food may hurt you
The movement is on against GMO foods. GMO stands for genetically modified organisms. GMO foods are “foods” that usually have genes from bacteria or fungi added. The point is that because of these genetic mutations, GMO crops can tolerate extremely high amounts of chemicals, such as herbicides and pesticides, without damage. So when you’re eating GMO foods, you’re getting a double whammy.
First, they contain newly created molecules that have never before existed in the food you are eating. And second, they contain much higher amounts of modern agriculture chemicals. Now, knowing this, what person in their right mind would want to eat these foods? The answer is no one.
This is why the GMO industry has gone out of their way to keep it unknown to you as to whether the food you are buying is a GMO food or not. GMO lobbyists have succeeded in preventing normal foods from being labeled as non-GMO, and GMO foods from being labeled as GMO. They want to keep you in the dark; otherwise no one would want the products they are selling. In fact, that's exactly what they have already come out and said.
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Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of the world's major GMO purveyor Monsanto, said in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994 as saying, “If you put a label on genetically engineered food, you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it.” I think you will agree with me that this stinks of greed and complete disregard for truth. But here’s the good news in all of this. This food fight is just beginning.
Dr. Jeffrey Smith is the author of several scientific papers and books on GMO foods. Many consider him the leader in the fight against GMOs.
A recent letter from Dr. Smith to the FACT forum describes the grassroots movement that is starting to sweep the country. I quote from his letter.
“On January 20th Pam Larry had an epiphany, as she calls it. Why not have a GMO labeling law on the November 2012 ballot in California? She did her research, put a website together, and came out on March 20th as a single voice with a big idea. Within six months, there were about 70 state leaders holding events, showing films, recruiting support, and creating the framework for what may become the pivotal vote to usher GMOs out of our food supply.
“Amber Felts also had an idea to hold an anti-GMO rally on the steps of the state capitol in Denver. She, like Pam, had never done any such thing. But in April this year, nearly 200 people marched on the capitol building as part of a week-long campaign of events called Colorado Says No to GMOs. Then on September 6th, hundreds more rallied at the Boulder Courthouse to oppose the planting of GMOs on public lands in the county.
Starting on October 1st at a rally in New York City (where Dr. Smith will be speaking), protesters will march past the United Nations headquarters and then on to Washington, DC, raising awareness about the dangerous GMOs in our food and demanding that they carry labels stating such. The 16-day journey through five states will culminate at an event in front of the White House on October 16th, World Food Day. That same Sunday will feature rallies and events all over the nation.
“There are plenty of other events during October’s non-GMO Month, supported by activists, retailers, and organic food manufacturers together.
On October 2nd, for example, the non-GMO snack food maker Beanitos is helping fuel a rally on the steps of the Texas State Capitol in Austin. GMO-Free Washington has several events. Dr. Smith will be talking at many of these events.
GMO foods currently include sugar beets, sugar cane, soy beans, alfalfa, corn, canola, Hawaiian papaya, tomatoes, Zucchini, and sweet peppers. GMO rice is due to arrive in two years. GMO manufacturers also have created mutated animals, including fish and pork, and are seeking approval from the FDA to release these foods in your grocery stores.
If you are eating any of the above foods, the only way that you can be certain that they are not GMO creations is to buy only those which are certified organic. If you want to get involved, you can find out what's going on at: http://www.nongmomonth.org/events/category/user-submitted-events/2011-09/.
Finding your Real Cures,
Frank Shallenberger, MD
California Label Laws Have National Impact: Proposition 65. By Ronnie Cummins, Organic Consumers Association http://www.sodahead.com/united-states/the-label-even-monsanto-considers-a-skull-and-crossbones/question-2198305/
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