Volume 5, Issue 23
June 7, 2012

Your supplements come
under assault again

As you may know, the fight for our freedom to buy nutritional supplements is an ongoing battle. That battle took some unexpected turns this month, and we need your help to keep our freedom. Without your action, it won’t be long before the United States is just like Europe. You won’t be able to find a vitamin anywhere.

I don’t think you will be too surprised to learn that Big Pharma buys and pays for many politicians. One of them is Dick Durbin, Democratic Senator from Illinois. He likes to do business the way crooked politicians get a lot of their nasty work done — by secretly attaching amendments onto other bills.

There is an FDA bill before the Senate that is relatively uncontroversial, The FDA Safety and Innovation Act S.3187. This bill is considered a “must-pass” bill. So, at the last minute, Sen. Durbin offered an amendment (S.AMDT 2127) to that bill, slipping it in under the radar by piggy-backing it on a bill that was sure to go through without debate. That amendment would have destroyed DSHEA.

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DSHEA is the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act. This is the law that protects your supplements from unnecessary government intrusion and regulation. By the way, this is not the first time Sen. Durbin has tried to destroy DSHEA. He pushes bills and amendments out regularly that take shots at the law or would completely destroy it. Most never make it very far.

Fortunately, that’s what happened to Sen. Durbin’s latest amendment. Thanks to efforts by Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Durbin’s amendment was squashed. So until the next time he or one of the other Big Pharma pawns comes up with similar legislation, we are safe.

You can see all 20 senators who voted against tabling Sen. Durbin’s amendment by going to this website: http://democrats.senate.gov/2012/05/24/roll-call-vote-on-harkin-motion-to-table-durbin-amendment-2127/. If your Senator is on this list, please call them or write a personal letter (you can find their contact information at www.senate.gov) and tell them how disappointed you are in their vote against freedom. Also tell them you’ll remember this vote come November if they’re up for re-election. The amendment was tabled by the vote, so we know it will come back up down the road. So make sure you tell your Senators to vote against it.

But there’s more to this story.

On Thursday, May 24, Republican Senator Rand Paul openly introduced an amendment to the Food and Drug Administration User Fee Reauthorization bill. His amendment would curb the Food and Drug Association’s overreach and abuse of power. Sen. Paul’s amendment, No. 2143, would disarm the FDA, put an end to raids on natural food stores and Amish farmers, and stop FDA censorship of truthful claims of dietary supplements. Unfortunately, his amendment was tabled as well, thanks to Sen. Tom Harkin.

Again, you can see all 78 of the Senators who voted to table this amendment at http://democrats.senate.gov/2012/05/24/roll-call-vote-on-harkin-table-the-paul-amendment-2143/. If your Senator is one who voted to table it, please contact them and chastise them for voting against the amendment.

This is an important time. Big Pharma never sleeps, and we can’t afford to either. Please be vigilant and call your Senators and let them know how you feel about these amendments.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD


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