Volume 5, Issue 6
February 9, 2012

The simple habit that significantly increases your stroke risk

Are you concerned about having a stroke? Is there a history of stroke in your family? Or do you have high blood pressure? A recent report from the Department of Neurology in the Royal Perth Hospital in Perth, Australia points to the most significant single dietary factor determining who will have a stroke. And it's not what most people think.

It’s not a vitamin or a mineral or any other kind of nutritional substance. It’s not even a specific diet. It's something simple. Something almost everybody in First World countries is guilty of —  overeating.  And if you’re thin and think you don’t overeat, the odds are that you are wrong.

According to Dr. Graeme J. Hankey, author of the review, overeating is the single biggest dietary risk factor for developing a stroke. To reach these conclusions, Dr. Hankey searched the literature published from 1970 to October 2011. He specifically looked for evidence linking nutrition and diet to the risk of stroke. What he discovered should not be all that shocking to any of us. But it should be a stark reminder of the influence of one of our worst habits.

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Dr. Hankey looked at how the risks of having a stroke changed between 1970 and 2008. In high-income, First World countries, the risk fell by 42%. He states that this fall in risk appears to be the result of increased awareness about the dangers of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cigarette smoking. But in poor countries the exact opposite happened.

The chance of having a stroke in those countries increased by more than 100%. This dramatic rise directly coincides with the increased availability of food, especially processed food in these countries.

Dr. Hankey notes that as people consume more calories, especially from processed foods, their chance of stroke increases. But it’s not just processed foods. He even found one study in which overeating a healthy diet can increase your risk of stroke. So we can't blame it all on junk food.

What are the chances that you are overeating? Based on my research, I would say that they are awfully good. The most important routine test that I do on all of my patients is the Bio-Energy Test. This is a comprehensive test that provides the most critical information that a doctor can have to protect his patients from every disease there is. You can learn about it from past articles I’ve written on it. These are available at www.secondopinionnewsletter.com. You also can watch a lecture on my clinic’s website. The lecture is free, so please check it out.

One of the many pieces of information that I get from Bio-Energy Testing is that I am able to accurately measure how many calories each individual person needs. When I first started using this test, I was shocked to see how few calories that actually amounts to. Take me, for example.

If I were to use the standard equations that are routinely used by dieticians and nutritionists to determine my optimal caloric intake, I would discover that is 2,608 calories per day. But when I measure the amount of calories that I actually burn with Bio-Energy Testing, I find that my optimal intake is way less – 1,586. Over 1,000 calories less. So if I were to follow standard dietary advice, I would be seriously overeating, and subjecting myself to an increased risk of stroke.

Now I am one of those skinny guys with the hollow leg. I have always been able to  overeat and yet still not gain weight. How is that possible? It’s because of the caloric effect of eating. Every time you eat too much your brain realizes this and stimulates your metabolism to burn the excess calories. Skinny guys like me have a very efficient caloric effect from eating. Those who easily gain weight from overeating don’t have this luxury. So I’m a living example of the fact that you can’t just look at your weight alone to determine if you’re overeating. Sure, excess weight is associated with an increased risk of stroke, but many stroke victims are thin just like me.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that you’re doing well in this regard simply because you are not overweight.

Get your actual caloric needs measured, not calculated by formulas that are invariably wrong.  And then adjust your diet so that it takes in only the amount of calories that your body really needs. Even leaving aside the issue of stroke risk, the one thing that anti-aging doctors universally agree on is that overeating will increase your risk of premature aging and every other degenerative disease there is.

You can find a list of doctors offering Bio-Energy Testing at www.bioenergytesting.com. There aren’t many, unfortunately, so the likelihood is good that you will have to travel to have the test done.  But you need to do it only occasionally, and the information is critical.

Next week, I’ll tell you about a great tasting treat that can lower your stroke risk by 29%. You don’t want to miss it.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

Lowry, Frank. “Overeating, Salt Are the Real Culprits in Stroke Risk,” December 19, 2011. Medscape Medical News C 2011 WebMD, LLC.

Hankey, G.J. “Nutrition and the risk of stroke.” Lancet Neurol. 2012 Jan;11(1):66-81.

Copyright 2012 Soundview Publishing, LLC.

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