Volume 4, Issue 42
October 20, 2011

How to cure pesky fungal infections

Of all the infections I treat in my practice, fungal infections are definitely the hardest to eradicate. Most bacterial and viral infections will go away without antibiotics or antivirals with the right supplements and oxidation therapies. But fungal infections are tough.

I recently received the following letter, which shows how hard these infections are to cure. Diane M. writes:

“I have been fighting allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis for several years. It seemed that I had cleared the fungus from my left lung three years ago after my pulmonologist treated me with antifungal drugs. But then I was working at a very stressful job two years ago and came down with pneumonia again, this time in the right lung (middle lobe). I didn't think the fungus was a factor and have tried to clear the pneumonia with natural remedies, albuterol inhalation treatments, and rest. But when I cough, there is evidence of fungal material in the expectorated sputum. Do you have any advice for treating this tenacious problem?”

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While antifungals can help, you usually don’t need to take them. And, as you can see, they don’t always work. To start off, I would keep this simple and avoid antifungal drugs. Here’s what else I would do.

First of all, you need to do an aggressive detoxification. You can find my complete detoxification program in the September 2010 issue of Real Cures. It’s too lengthy to reprint here. But it is available for all subscribers on my website.

Second, I’m quite sure that you have an adrenal deficit, and need proper adrenal support. The best way to support your adrenal gland is with the supplements pantothenic acid or vitamin B-5 (400 mg daily), licorice root (700 mg daily), and adrenal gland extract (200 mg daily). You can get all of these supplements in my Adrenal Factor.

Third, it’s possible you’re having a reaction to a particular food or many foods. I suggest you get a copy of Peter D’Adamo’s book, Live Right 4 Your Type, and avoid all of the foods that are not indicated for your particular blood type.

Lastly, you need to treat the sinuses, lungs, and bronchial tract. The best way to do that is using a process I developed a few years ago called nebulized hydrogen peroxide. You can find the instructions for this on my website (see the August 2009 issue of Real Cures). Do all of this for three months. The odds are good that you will have control over the problem. Then all you need to do is to be careful enough with your lifestyle that you don’t have it return.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

Copyright 2011 Soundview Publishing, LLC.

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