Volume 4, Issue 30
July 28, 2011

Prevent cancer with a three

nutrient combination that

works as well as aspirin

Last week, I showed you how aspirin can prevent cancer. First, you have to take it every day. And you have to take it for at least five years. But there’s a problem. While you’re preventing the cancer, the aspirin is slowly causing ulcers in your stomach. And ulcers can cause serious problems.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could find a natural way to prevent cancer as well as aspirin? If you found such a nutrient, you could stop the cancer without developing ulcers. Well, there is a way — but it’s not just one nutrient. It’s a combination of nutrients that has the same cancer-preventing ability as aspirin, without the side effects.

This combination is three natural remedies — fish oil, green tea, and curcumin. All of these remedies have one thing in common, they inhibit cyclo-oxygenase. This is the pro-inflammatory enzyme that contributes to some cancers. It’s also the enzyme aspirin inhibits, giving it the ability to prevent cancer. These three remedies can do the same thing. And yet like most natural remedies, they are able to do this in a natural way that does not cause side effects like ulcer formation. Here’s what I dos.

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Every morning I take two capsules of fish oil, and another one in the afternoon. Of all the supplements you can take, fish oil one has the most overall benefit.

I also drink two cups of organic green tea. I like the World Market Organic Wulu green tea. This tea tastes perfect, provides a little pick-me-up, and is a great substitute for coffee. You can get it at www.worldmarket.com. You also can take a green tea extract if you don’t like to drink the tea.

And, finally, I recommend curcumin. I take 500 mg of an extract that is standardized for at least 90% curcuminoids. There are many good sources of curcumin extract out there. The one I personally use is Curcumin Plus from www.truebotanica.com. I take one very morning.

The first leading cause of death is cardiovascular disease. The second is cancer. And the third is the medications that doctors give you. By taking these remedies in the context of a healthy diet and an effective aerobic fitness program, I strongly believe that you can do much to eliminate your risk for all three of these top dangers.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

Copyright 2011 Soundview Publishing, LLC

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