Volume 4, Issue 10
March 10, 2011

This herb is better than
metformin for diabetes

Last week, I told about the wonderful case of Rich. He’s a patient of mine with type-2 diabetes.  Rich completely cured his diabetes by combining the program I describe in my book The Type-2 Diabetes Breakthrough with the herb berberine.

Then I told you about a brand new study that showed that this herb has the same biochemical effect on muscle cells as insulin. This week, I’d like to tell you about another study. This one shows that berberine might just be the best medication there is, natural or otherwise, for diabetes.

This study looked at the effect of berberine on 36 patients. All of them were newly diagnosed cases of type-2 diabetes.

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Half of the patients took 500 mg, three times daily of the drug metformin (also known as Glucophage). The other half took berberine (berberine hydrochloride) in the same dose — 500 mg, three times a day. Then the researchers measured the participants’ blood sugar levels for the next three months. Here’s what happened:

In terms of blood sugar control, both treatments worked equally as well. The fasting blood sugars went down 30%. And the sugar levels after eating (called the post prandial levels) went down even more — 45%.

But here's the really astounding thing about berberine. All of this happened within the first two to four weeks of taking the treatment. And unlike metformin, there were no side effects at all in any of the patients taking berberine. In addition to the sugar levels, the A1c levels went down as well — a full 20%. That may not sound like a lot. But it’s a very significant improvement.

In addition to the remarkable effects it had on blood sugar control, berberine had another important effect that metformin did not have.

Triglycerides are the fats found in the blood stream that the cells metabolize for energy. Since type-2 diabetics do not effectively burn fat (that’s why they get fat), their triglyceride levels are always elevated.

In this study, those patients taking berberine had a reduction in their triglyceride levels of 21%. Those taking metformin had no reduction at all. This indicates that berberine not only improves sugar metabolism, it also improves fat metabolism. This might make berberine the most effective overall medication for diabetes that exists today, including pharmaceuticals. In fact, the authors of the study stated that berberine “can serve as a new class of anti-diabetic medication.”

The good news, though, is that you don’t need a prescription for this medication. You can get berberine in 500 mg capsules from www.truebotanica.com. The product is called Berberine Plus.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

REF: Jun Yina, Huili Xinga, and Jianping Yeb. Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Metabolism. 2008 May; 57(5): 712-717.

Copyright 2011 Soundview Publishing, LLC

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