Volume 3, Issue 4
January 28, 2010

Is mangosteen juice a scam?

You may have heard a lot of marketing pitches lately for mangosteen juice. This juice comes from the ancient Oriental mangosteen fruit. They call it the "Queen of Fruits." I regularly visit the Orient to give lectures, and I see mangosteens at virtually every fruit vendor.

Here in the U.S., however, mangosteen is more than just the Queen of Fruits. Here it's the queen of multilevel marketing.

These marketing companies tell you mangosteen is supposedly much higher than ordinary foods in several antioxidants. But is it? And is it worth paying significantly more for this juice than normal fruit juices?

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The answer to both questions is "No." There isn't any reputable research that has shown mangosteen fruit contains even the antioxidant levels of the average orange. This really isn't very surprising. In fruit, the antioxidant qualities come from pigment. So the more color a fruit has, the more antioxidants it has. Well, mangosteen is white. It has almost no pigment. In fact, the only thing mangosteen seems to be really high in is price.

Another problem is that the commercial mangosteen juice you see on most store shelves and through the marketers isn't pure. It's diluted with other juices. I've yet to see a mangosteen juice that is even close to 100% mangosteen. Most are less than 50% mangosteen.

To be fair, I should mention that there are several studies that used mangosteen juice in test-tube experiments. Most of these are some variation of pouring some juice on top of a culture of cancer cells and noting that they don't grow as fast. This type of experiment is an "in vitro" test. In vitro tests are often interesting. But most of the time, they have absolutely no meaning for the non-test tube world. I looked for published studies on the use of mangosteen juice in actual people who had cancer. But there aren't any. Not one.

The long and the short of mangosteen juice is that it's overpriced and over-touted. If you like to drink it for its taste, that's fine. But if you're looking at it as a miracle health drink, save your money. While it's not a scam, it definitely doesn't live up to all the hype.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

Copyright 2010 Soundview Publishing, LLC

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