Volume 2, Issue 39
September 24, 2009

Deadly swine flu vaccine doesn't work — but this does

I showed you last week how deadly the swine flu vaccine can be. Compared to the virus itself, the vaccine may cause significantly more problems. What's more, the vaccine probably won't even work. Just like regular flu vaccines regularly fail to work, the swine flu vaccine is trying to hit a moving target. Let me explain.

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal shows how ineffective flu vaccines are in general. Dr. Tom Jefferson, coordinator of the Cochrane Vaccines Field in Rome, Italy, conducted an extensive review of all of the previous studies on the effectiveness of flu vaccines. He looked specifically at whether or not the vaccines decreased hospital admissions, death rates, or time off work. His results are startling.

According to Dr. Jefferson, vaccines "have little or no effect. We've got an exaggerated expectation of what vaccines can actually do." Jefferson continued, "I'm hoping American and European taxpayers will be alerted and start asking questions."

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Dr. Jefferson looked very hard at what the flu vaccine is supposed to do and what it actually does. What he found has really shaken up the flu proponents. According to the doctor, "almost none" of the benefits that the vaccines theoretically offer are actually seen in the real world.

Take it from me, this viral scare will go down like all of the other viral scares (bird flu, SARS, etc.) that have netted a bundle for Big Pharma. But they've done almost nothing else. If anybody should be scared of a new viral epidemic, it should be me. After all, nobody will experience more exposure to more viruses of all kinds than a busy primary care provider. I cozy up to them all day long, and I rarely come down with anything. And if you haven't already figured it out by now, it's not because I take the flu vaccine very year.

So what's my secret?

I stay in good physical condition with regular exercise.ÿ That's because I know that there's no medical intervention of any kind that is halfway as effective as regular aerobic exercise, properly done.

Next, I get plenty of sleep and rest.ÿ I also take a heaping scoop of Super Immune QuickStart (available by calling 800-791-3395) once a day, and plenty of essential fatty acids.

I also take one capsule of Epicor every day. I told you about Epicor when the swine flu scare first surfaced. You can order it at www.vrp.com or 800-877-2447. Tell them you are a Real Cures subscriber, and they will give you a 20% discount. I've found the combination of Epicor with QuickStart to be remarkably effective at reducing viral infections — even in those who get them the most. But this plan isn't completely foolproof. So I have developed a powerful treatment for any viral infection.

It's a simple formula of purified hydrogen peroxide (not the drugstore variety) and several other ingredients any integrative physician can mix up in their office. Then you simply run the formula through a nebulizer and breathe in the mist. I have yet to see one case of flu or viral pneumonia that this amazing treatment did not quickly cure. Make sure that you have a nebulizer and the special hydrogen peroxide mixture at home ready to use anytime you need it. I also recommend that you get a battery operated nebulizer for use on airplanes and when traveling. It's your best protection against H1N1 flu, as well as any other flu strain.

You can get all of the details about this formula on my website. You have to be a subscriber to get it. If you're not a subscriber, you can subscribe here.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD


Cobb k. Swine Flu's Worst Case Scenario: Paranoia or Preparedness?ÿ Fox News. Monday, August 10, 2009, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,538774,00.html.



Dushoff J, Plotkin J, Viboud C, et al. Mortality due to Influenza in the United States-An Annualized Regression Approach Using Multiple-Cause Mortality Data American Journal of Epidemiology 2006 163(2):181-187

Tom Jefferson. "Influenza vaccination: policy versus evidence". British Medical Journal 2006;333;912-915.

Copyright 2009 Soundview Publishing, LLC

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