Volume 2, Issue 25
June 18, 2009

If a low-sodium hasn't reduced
your blood pressure, add this
to supercharge the results

If you have high blood pressure, your doctor may have told you to reduce your salt intake. Researchers have shown time and time again that a low-sodium diet can reduce hypertension. But a lot of my patients have eaten the bland diet and still have high blood pressure.

This often baffles doctors. They can't explain why a low-sodium diet doesn't help. Fortunately, there's a very simple reason: They're deficient in one simple nutrient. So when I tell them to add this nutrient to their regimen, they see almost immediate results.

And the same can happen for you. All you have to do is add magnesium to your supplement regimen.

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Researchers recently discovered the almost magic results of combining magnesium and a low-salt diet. They used a double-blind, randomized, crossover study of 15 patients. All of them had uncomplicated mild to moderate essential hypertension (age range 36-65 years). In this study, the researchers gave the participants magnesium supplements three times a day for six weeks.

The results: Oral magnesium significantly reduced the systolic pressure by 7.6 mmHg. And it reduced the diastolic by 3.8 mmHg. Of these patients, 40% effectively controlled their blood pressure. That means the magnesium dropped their blood pressure by more than 10 mmHg.

Why didn't the other 60% see such reductions? It turns out that those with the largest reductions were also the ones with the lowest sodium levels.

So combining a low-sodium diet along with supplementary magnesium will supercharge the results. This observation also helps to explain why so many patients fail to reduce their blood pressure with a low-salt diet alone. In this has happened to you, you're probably deficient in magnesium. And you'll see the real benefits of sodium restriction only when you add magnesium to your program. It can work miracles for hypertension.

I'll have more on treating high blood pressure in the July issue of Real Cures. Don't miss it. If you're not a subscriber, you can sign up by following this a link.

Finding your Real Cures,

Frank Shallenberger, MD

REF: Sanjuliani, A.F., et al. "Effects of magnesium on blood pressure and intracellular ion levels of Brazilian hypertensive patients." Int J Cardiol. 56(2):177-183, 1996.

Copyright 2009 Soundview Publishing, LLC

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