In the last Health Alert, I showed you how mercury causes many cases of memory loss. I also showed you how to determine if your mercury levels are high. You can't measure mercury toxicity using a standard blood test. Mercury doesn't stay in your blood long enough to measure it. It heads straight for your tissue, where it begins to cause damage on the cellular level.

We can get mercury out of most tissues using DMPS, a mercury chelator that works really well. I typically give my patients 250 mg intravenously. Then, for the next four hours, I measure the mercury and any other metals that come out with it.

Unfortunately, DMPS can't take mercury out of your brain. The blood-brain barrier is just too fortified for it to work. But I'm going to show you how to get this poison out of your brain and stop the progression of memory loss. When I give this concoction to my patients, it has helped almost every single one of them. Most see the progression stop. But many see their condition improve.

The body's only natural mechanism to remove heavy metals is through the glutathione pathway. So the best way to detoxify mercury and other metals is to improve this pathway. And, to do that, we have to increase our levels of glutathione. But you can't just take glutathione supplements, as stomach acid destroys it before your body can absorb it. So we have to use supplements that create glutathione.

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The first one I use to do this is the mineral selenium. Researchers have shown in many studies that it helps glutathione levels. It also irreversibly attaches to and binds mercury on contact. While it does not actually remove mercury from the body, it detoxifies it.

Then I give the amino acid N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), which is an integral part of glutathione synthesis, vitamin C and alpha lipoic acid. Here are the daily doses I use of each supplement: NAC (1,500 mg), vitamin C (1,000 mg), selenium (200 mcg), and alpha lipoic acid (300 mg).

If you've sustained significant damage from mercury, this probably won't cure your Alzheimer's. But like I mentioned earlier, almost everyone I've used this combination on has seen the progression of the disease stop. And many have experienced significant improvement in their mental function.

However, that's not all. Many of the people who use this vitamin/mineral concoction experience benefits that go well beyond their memory. Some, in fact, are seeing many other aging symptoms completely reverse. Researchers are now finding that this is a common phenomenon for people who use alpha lipoic acid. I'll tell you more about that in our next Second Opinion Health Alert.

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