December 13, 2013
Why the Russians know these
potatoes cause cancer, but you don't
I've said for years that one of the biggest unreported causes of cancer is GMO food. Cancer cases have risen dramatically since agriculture companies started using GMO. Now there's more proof that GMO not only causes cancer, but it can even kill.

Russian research found many years ago that GMO potatoes can cause cancer. Why wasn't the world informed? Because the biotech industry waged a massive court battle to keep the information suppressed. These reports vindicated the pioneering work of whistle blower Dr. Arpad Pusztai. Dr. Pusztai informed the world of his research indicting GMO foods years ago. But was vilified by the industry. Disclosure of the Russian information led to calls in Great Britain for government ministers to withdraw permission to grow GMO potatoes at secret sites.

So how did we get this information? Russian activist groups and Greenpeace  uncovered the Russian research. Irina Ermakova, a consultant for Greenpeace, said she had conducted her own animal feeding experiments with GM materials. "The GM potatoes were the most dangerous of the feeds used in the trials ... and on the basis of this evidence they cannot be used in the nourishment of people."

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The rats they fed GMO potatoes suffered more serious organ and tissue damage than rats fed non-GMO potatoes. And Greenpeace says it was even worse than what the Russians reported. Half the rats in the trial died. They had to take the results from those that survived. That's a breach of normal scientific practices. It skews the results in favor of GMO. But they still found that they caused fatal cancer.

Now you can see why I am so compelled to speak out and spur you to action against GMO. We must stop this threat before it destroys us all.

REF: The Independent, 2-16-07.

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