Does a High PSA Mean Cancer? Here’s How to Tell Without a Biopsy

Dr. Frank Shallenberger, MD

April 8, 2024


An elevated PSA test can be a sign of prostate cancer. But it also can happen from an inflammation of the prostate called prostatitis.

In strictly conventional medicine, the only way to know for sure is to get a biopsy. But this approach is a lot less than perfect. That’s because biopsies are not always accurate. They can easily miss a cancer.

And besides that, there’s a better way that’s less dangerous and less painful than a biopsy to find out if the elevation in PSA is due to cancer or just inflammation. A recent study points this out.

The study looked at a group of men with elevated PSA tests. The overall average level of PSA was 7.3 ng/mL. Anything over 4 is considered abnormally high. All of the men had a prostate biopsy that was negative for cancer. But although the biopsies did not find cancer, they did find signs of inflammation in some of the men. So, the researchers divided the men into two groups depending on whether or not their biopsy showed inflammation. Then they gave both groups a combination of an anti-inflammatory drug called nimesulide, saw palmetto extract, a natural herbal enzyme called bromelain, and the bioflavonoid quercetin. After three months, they checked the PSA levels again. Here’s what they found.

The men whose biopsies had shown inflammation had a reduction in their PSA levels to close to normal – 4.6 on average. But those without the inflammation had no reduction at all. That should be no surprise. We would not expect an anti-inflammatory therapy to work in a prostate without inflammation. But that’s not the only thing the researchers discovered.

Besides checking the PSA levels after the anti-inflammatory therapy, they also repeated the biopsies and discovered an amazing thing. In the men whose PSA levels had reduced to below 4 ng/mL, there were no signs of prostate cancer on the second biopsy. Compare this to a cancer rate of 18-20% in the men who did not see that much reduction in their PSAs from the therapy. So, what does all this mean?

It actually confirms something that I have been writing about for years. That is in many cases of an elevated PSA less than 10, there’s no need for an immediate biopsy. Many of these cases are simply caused by inflammation. The best thing to do in that case is to go through a trial of anti-inflammatory therapy. If the PSA significantly comes down, there’s no need for a biopsy. If it doesn’t, that means that there’s probably cancer present. And that’s not all.

Unfortunately, the researchers in the study did not use the full anti-inflammatory herbal treatment that they could have used. If they had combined my special blend of herbal treatments, their results would have been much better. This includes:

• Solaray Africanum Pygeum extract - 50mg - 2x/day.

• Quercetin 300 mg - 1, 2x/day.

• Zinc picolinate - 30 mg, 2x/day.

• Bromelain 500 mg – take 1, 2x/day.

• Iodoral 12.5 mg - take 1, 2x/day.

• Melatonin – take 1 mg per pound of body weight at bedtime.

Use this blend for three months and then recheck the PSA. When I use this combination, I find that PSAs go down close to 90% of the time. This saves the need for a prostate biopsy. Once you confirm that the PSA has decreased, then continue the blend and continue to check the PSA every three months. Depending on how high your PSA was to start with, it may take more time to bring it into the normal range. I know it’s a lot of stuff, but it works. And whenever I have left something out, it did not work nearly as well.


Gallo L. The Effect of a Pure Anti-inflammatory Therapy on Reducing Prostate-specific Antigen Levels in Patients Diagnosed With a Histologic Prostatitis. Urology. 2016 Aug;94:198-203.

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