If you have read any of my writings about Codex Alimentarious, you know your
supplements are in danger. Codex is an international commission that has been railroading new laws that will severely limit the content of nutritional supplements throughout Europe.

The freedom to buy high-dose vitamins is in such jeopardy that in several countries it's illegal to sell vitamin C in dosages greater than 300 mg tablets. And what's far worse for you and me, our government has signed trade treaties that will mandate Codex laws to take effect in this country. These treaties will trump our own supplement laws, which we labored so hard to enact in 1994.

The Codex regulations are scheduled to go into effect this August. But thanks to your help and that of many others, the European Alliance for Natural Health has pulled off a major victory. Advocate General Geelhoed, the senior adviser to the European Courts of Justice, rendered his opinion in the Alliance's case against Codex.

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Here's what he said:

"The Food Supplements Directive infringes the principle of proportionality because basic principles of (European) Community law, such as the requirements of legal protection, of legal certainty and of sound administration have not properly been taken into account. It is therefore invalid under EU (European Union) law."

Although we're still a long way from a home run - this is terrific news. The recommendation must now be accepted into Court itself. However, the court generally does accept the recommendations of the Advocate General.

Interestingly, none of the major European countries themselves opposed the position of the Alliance. Dr. Robert Verkerk is the executive director of the Alliance. He's spearheading the opposition to Codex in Europe. He said, "It is commendable that the EU Advocate General has seen through the flawed science and law of the Food Supplements Directive and reached his recommendations today. All that ANH is campaigning and working cooperatively for is the right for consumers to have access to safe natural healthcare and for legislation to be based on good science and good law. This is a great day for the tens of millions of people who believe passionately in the benefits of natural, preventative healthcare."

My publisher and I thank you for your support and any donations you may have given the Alliance. We need to keep the pressure up over there, to prevent the Codex nightmare from crossing the ocean. You can find further information about the Alliance on its website at http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/index.cfm. You can also donate to the Alliance on the website. Helping these folks is the absolute best way to help ourselves. And you know my motto: The best treatment is prevention.

If you'd like to read more about Codex, you can find the articles I've written about it on my website: www.secondopinionnewsletter.com. Subscribers to my newsletter have free access to the all back issues. If you're not a subscriber, you can subscribe on the website and get immediate access.

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